
Additional Support Policy

The ACPMA Awarding Body is committed to ensure that all candidates wishing to acquire the qualifications will be supported with the necessary means to do so. In order to facilitate access to the qualifications, reasonable adjustments will be made to assist candidates with additional requirements/needs. Candidates with additional requirements and/or needs are asked to inform the ACPMA Awarding Body of any special help they may require in order to take the examinations prior to the booking of any examinations.

To find out more you can download the Additional Needs Policy here

Assessment Malpractices Procedure

The ACPMA Awarding Body is vigilant with regard to examination malpractices. Malpractices consists of all acts which undermine the integrity and validity of assessment, the certification of qualifications and/or damage the authority of those responsible for conducting the assessment and certification.

To find out more you can download the Malpractice Procedure here

Complaints Procedure & Policy

The ACPMA Awarding Body has a clear Complaints Procedure & Policy. If you wish to make a suggestion to improve our services or complain regarding any please read this document fully before contacting the Awarding Body. This is not relevant to examination results, please refer to the Enquiries & Appeals Procedure if you wish to discuss examination content.

To find out more you can download the Complaints Procedure & Policy here

Customer Service Targets & Policy

Our aim is to provide an efficient, fair and effective service to our clients. This policy covers the service provided to clients by the ACPMA Awarding Body and via its Examinations Boards and Panels.
To find out more you can download the Customer Service Targets & Policy here

Enquiries and Appeals Procedure (Examination specific)

The examination regulations of the ACPMA Awarding Body make provisions for ACPMA Awarding Body learners to be enabled to make an enquiry and/or to appeal against a decision. The facility by which to do so is outlined in this procedure and it is important that the procedure is followed in all situations.
To find out more you can download the Enquiries and Appeals Procedure here

Equal Opportunities Policy

It is the policy of the ACPMA Awarding Body in relation to all of its activities and services to oppose and avoid any form of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnic origin, disability, gender, sexual preference, age, marital status or religion.
To find out more you can download the Equal Opportunities Policy here

Exemption Policy

ACPMA Awarding Body recognises prior certificated qualifications equivalent to ACPMA units for the Level 4 Certificates. ACPMA operates under an equality and diversity exemption policy and welcomes applications for exemption on the basis of comparable qualifications from recognised institutions which satisfy the ACPMA Awarding Body criteria for awarding exemptions.
To find out more you can download the Exemption Policy here