Research Dissertation/Project

Research Dissertation/ Project

For a successful completion of ACPMA Certificate, presentation and approval of a sound research project is a major requirement. Students are required to follow some important guidelines for this process.

Guideline for Research Dissertation/ Project

The topic of the project should conditions on management sciences in Pakistan. At the minimum, Research Dissertation/ Project should include at least sixteen articles, from academic journals (or six books and ten academic articles). This is a minimum requirement and by no means should be taken as a limit. Students are encouraged to start working on the paper at their earliest, and consult teacher of the course along the way to make sure that they are on the right track. Research project should be submitted three weeks before the final term exams.

  • The Approval Form filled out by the supervisor must be submitted before defending the research work.
  • The students must fill in the form of Originality undertaking.
  • The research thesis, excluding the abstract, reference list, working bibliography and appendices, should be at least 12,000 – 18000 words. If your word limit exceeds, you should do with explicit approval of your supervisor.
  • The APA style guide should be followed throughout the writing and submission process.
  • At least 100 references should be used in the thesis; these references need to be state-of-the-art.
  • A plagiarism report from the UMT library with the final submission must be submitted. [This is mandatory; the final submission will not be accepted without it].
  • Only 15% of similarity index is acceptable.

Body Components of Research Dissertation/Project




Word Count

1 Introduction

·         Background

·         Statement of the problem

·         Objectives

·         Research questions

·         Significance of the study

·         Hypothesis



2600– 3000



Literature Review (Including but not limited to the Theoretical Framework)



2000 – 6000




·         Research Design

·         Sampling

·         Data Collection Methods




2600 – 3000




Findings and Discussion

·         Data analysis


3400 – 4000



Conclusions and Implications/Recommendations  

1400 – 2000




Total Word Count


12000 – 18000


Submission Pattern for Research Dissertation/Project

The following specifications MUST be followed for submitting the Research  

1 Size of paper A4 size must be used.
2 Paper specification A good quality paper (minimum 80 gram) must be submitted.
3 Method of production The text must be readable and typewritten in suitable type face.
4 Layout of script The font should appear on one side only, the text must be doubled spaced whereas the quotations, references, footnotes, and photographic captions may be single spaced.
5 Font size Title Page 18-22

Headings / subheadings 14

Text 11-12; justified so the text is evenly distributed

Line spacing 1.5

Footnotes must be given on the same page where the reference is quoted

6 Type style Times New Roman
7 Margins 1¼ -1½ inches on the left-hand side,

1 inch at the top and bottom of the page

½ – 0.75 inches at the outer edge

Mention the page numbers

8 Cover It must be in black colour. It should contain your full name and the title of the thesis. The thesis title has to be two inches from the top of the page and the student’s name must be two inches from the bottom of the page. [This should be done when the final document is being submitted after the dissertation defines).
9 Electronic copy of thesis 1 electronic copy in PDF stored in a CD format. It must also include the scanned copy of approval page and the student undertaking along with it. [This should be done when the final document is being submitted after the dissertation submission.
10 Bound manuscripts 3 signed bound manuscripts of the dissertation must be submitted to the department, library, and to the supervisor. [This should be done when the final document is being submitted after the dissertation defines).